Some Simple Steps to Speed-Up Weight Loss

We are receiving some nice testimonials about the Get Lean Program™! People are excited about the results they are seeing! Here are a few helpful hints to help your progress . . .
- Take your measurements before you start the program. Measuring (inch loss) and watching how your clothes fit are much better indicators of your progress than weighing.
- Keep a food history. You might be surprised how the little 'extras' add up over time!
- Try using the Super Food smoothies to replace two meals each day for the first 10 – 15 days. Your results will amaze you!
- Make sure to nourish adrenals & thyroid function – proper adrenal function is paramount when trying to reduce body fat. Use Adrenal-Fuel™ twice each day.
- Calm the digestive system - Cortisol is produced when there is inflammation . . . Cortisol causes your body to store fat, especially in the midsection. The digestive tract can be a 'hidden' source for a lot of inflammation. NatraTech Organic Aloe Concentrate can dramatically help the digestive process.
- If you are hungry during the program, don't starve yourself. Add healthy foods for meals and snacks. There are many great suggestions listed in the Get Lean Program booklet.
- Exercise . . . even if it’s a nice walk several times each week. Or, try a 15 minute walk after a big meal.