How to Customize Your Affiliate SubID


Click on “Affiliate Program” (top righthand corner of page)

Scroll to bottom and click “Affiliate Login”


If you would like to join:

Enter your information under “Sign up Here!”


If you have already joined:

Under “Have an Account?” enter your email.


A link will be sent to your email.


Login to your email account and look for the email from containing your link. Make sure to check your junk folder too.


Click the link.


Customizing Your SubID:

SubIDs are custom affiliate links that can point anywhere on your website. For example your default affiliate link probably points to your homepage, or a set landing page. SubIDs let you create different versions of your link to point directly to any page on the site you’re promoting.


On the lefthand menu, click “SubIDs/Channels”


Give your new link a name in the “Enter A Link Name” box.

Enter the URL you want to promote. For example, if you want to promote the Recipes page, enter



A personalized link will generate at the bottom of your Dashboard